Filing the Annulment Papers

Before you begin:

Follow these steps to start a case:

1. Fill out the forms. You have to fill out 3 forms to start your case, and another optional form if needed.

2. File the forms. Turn in your completed forms by mail, efiling, or in person to the Clerk of Court.

3. Serve Defendant. You must have a 3rd person hand-deliver a copy of the filed forms to the Defendant.


After you complete the steps on this page, a copy of the summons and complaint (and anything else you filed) must be hand-delivered to your spouse (the “Defendant”). The Court does not serve the papers for you. It is up to YOU to make sure your spouse gets served after you file for annulment.

1. Fill out the forms

To open an annulment case, you will need to file three required forms below.

Family Court Cover Sheet

This form is REQUIRED. It lists basic information about you, your spouse, and any children that you and your spouse have together. You are the Plaintiff and your spouse is the Defendant. The Clerk of Court uses this information to open your case.

Complaint for Annulment

This form is REQUIRED. This form tells the judge and your spouse the grounds you are alleging to get an annulment, and what you want out of the annulment. You are the Plaintiff and your spouse is the Defendant. You will check boxes and fill in blanks to tell the judge and your spouse things like:

If you and your spouse have minor children together, fill out the “Complaint for Annulment – With Children.” If you do not have children together, fill out the Complaint for Annulment – No Children.”


This form is REQUIRED. This form tells your spouse that you have filed for an annulment. The form also tells your spouse that he or she must file a response within 21 days, or a default may be entered against them.

If efiling, use filing code SEI when uploading the summons to make sure it is processed correctly.

Joint Preliminary Injunction

This is an optional injuction you can request when you file your papers. The injunction prevents both you and your spouse from doing the following while the case is going on:

You will be legally prevented from doing all of the above things as soon as the Joint Preliminary Injunction is issued by the Clerk. Your spouse will be legally prevented from doing these as soon as he or she is served with the papers.

If you would like this injunction issued, fill out the request below. The Clerk will issue a detailed injunction when you file.

2. File the forms

The court charges $269 to file these papers. You can pay by cash, money order, or most major credit/debit cards. If you cannot afford the fee, please see Filing Fees and Waivers to find out how to ask the court to waive the fee.

You can file your papers one of these ways:

    Online: You can file online through the court's e-filing system, eFileNV. There is a fee of $3.50 to upload your documents, in addition to the regular filing fee. You must register for an account, you must provide a valid email address, and you must be able to scan and upload your documents as separate pdfs.

Do not upload one pdf with all of the forms included - this will significantly delay the processing. Each form needs to be filed as its own pdf, but you can upload all of them in one submission.

The Summons must be uploaded with the filing code SEI or it will not be filed correctly. Carefully follow the E-Filing Guide to avoid mistakes.
E-Filing Guide

3. Serve the Defendant

The Court does not serve the papers for you. It is up to YOU to make sure the Defendant gets served after you file or your case could get dismissed.

After you complete the steps above, you must find a neutral 3rd person to hand-deliver a copy of the summons and complaint (and anything else you filed) to the Defendant. You must make sure Defendant gets served within 120 days of when you filed your papers, or else your case will get dismissed.

The server must fill out an Affidavit of Service form. File the completed form as soon as possible after service is done.

There are other options if the Defendant cannot be found or served in person. Learn how to have the Defendant served by visiting the Serving the Papers page in the divorce section of this website. Although it is in the divorce section, the rules and procedures are the same.

After your spouse has been served with the annulment papers, you will have to wait and see what your spouse does before you know what your next step will be. There will be more papers to file no matter what. You can learn about the possible next steps in the Divorce: Now What section of this website. Although it is in the divorce section, the rules and procedures are the same.