Steps to complete, serve and file your financial disclosure documents

It is important to follow the outlined steps when completing, serving and filing your financial disclosure documents.

Step 1: complete your Financial Statement

To start your financial disclosure, you will need to complete either:

Filling out your Financial Statement

When filling your Financial Statement (Form 13 or Form 13.1), you should:

You will need to swear or affirm that the information in your Financial Statement is true and sign it in front of a commissioner for taking affidavits. There are commissioners at all family court offices who will commission the form for free.

Get help completing your court forms

If you want help filling out the financial disclosure forms and you don’t have a lawyer, you can:

Step 2: collect and certify your financial documents

Once you have completed your financial statement you will need to collect your supporting financial documents and fill out Form 13A: Certificate of Financial Disclosure. This will confirm with the court which financial documents you have served on the other party.

Step 3: serve your financial disclosure documents

Once you have collected and completed your financial disclosure documents, you should make at least two copies of all your completed forms – one for yourself, one for the other party and the original for the court.

Serve the other party with a copy of your:

Once you have served your document, you will need to complete and swear or affirm Form 6B: Affidavit of Service to prove that you served the required financial forms and documents on the other party.

See Rule 6 in the Family Law Rules or serving your documents for more information.

Step 4: file your financial disclosure documents

Once you have completed and served your financial disclosure documents, you will need to file a copy of your:

You can file your documents online or in-person at the courthouse. Learn more about filing your family court documents.