Oracle rac configuration guide

Provides an overview of Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) installation and administration, and various components and functions.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Overview of Oracle RAC

This topic provides an introduction to Oracle RAC and its functionality.

Non-cluster Oracle databases have a one-to-one relationship between the Oracle database and the instance. Oracle RAC environments, however, have a one-to-many relationship between the database and instances. An Oracle RAC database can have several instances, all of which access one database. All database instances must use the same interconnect, which can also be used by Oracle Clusterware.

Oracle RAC databases differ architecturally from non-cluster Oracle databases in that each Oracle RAC database instance also has:

The combined processing power of the multiple servers can provide greater throughput and Oracle RAC scalability than is available from a single server.

A cluster comprises multiple interconnected computers or servers that appear as if they are one server to end users and applications. The Oracle RAC option with Oracle Database enables you to cluster Oracle databases. Oracle RAC uses Oracle Clusterware for the infrastructure to bind multiple servers so they operate as a single system.

Oracle Clusterware is a portable cluster management solution that is integrated with Oracle Database. Oracle Clusterware is a required component for using Oracle RAC that provides the infrastructure necessary to run Oracle RAC. Oracle Clusterware also manages resources, such as Virtual Internet Protocol (VIP) addresses, databases, listeners, services, and so on. In addition, Oracle Clusterware enables both non-cluster Oracle databases and Oracle RAC databases to use the Oracle high-availability infrastructure. Oracle Clusterware along with Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) (the two together comprise the Oracle Grid Infrastructure ) enables you to create a clustered pool of storage to be used by any combination of non cluster and Oracle RAC databases.

Oracle Clusterware is the only clusterware that you need for most platforms on which Oracle RAC operates. If your database applications require vendor clusterware, then you can use such clusterware in conjunction with Oracle Clusterware if that vendor clusterware is certified for Oracle RAC.

Figure 1-1 shows how Oracle RAC is the Oracle Database option that provides a single system image for multiple servers to access one Oracle database. In Oracle RAC, each Oracle instance must run on a separate server.

Figure 1-1 Oracle Database with Oracle RAC Architecture

Traditionally, an Oracle RAC environment is located in one data center. However, you can configure Oracle RAC on an Oracle Extended Cluster , which is an architecture that provides extremely fast recovery from a site failure and allows for all nodes, at all sites, to actively process transactions as part of a single database cluster. In an extended cluster, the nodes in the cluster are typically dispersed, geographically, such as between two fire cells, between two rooms or buildings, or between two different data centers or cities. For availability reasons, the data must be located at both sites, thus requiring the implementation of disk mirroring technology for storage.

If you choose to implement this architecture, you must assess whether this architecture is a good solution for your business, especially considering distance, latency, and the degree of protection it provides. Oracle RAC on extended clusters provides higher availability than is possible with local Oracle RAC configurations, but an extended cluster may not fulfill all of the disaster-recovery requirements of your organization. A feasible separation provides great protection for some disasters (for example, local power outage or server room flooding) but it cannot provide protection against all types of outages. For comprehensive protection against disasters—including protection against corruptions and regional disasters—Oracle recommends the use of Oracle Data Guard with Oracle RAC, as described in the Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration and on the Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Web site.

Oracle RAC is a unique technology that provides high availability and scalability for all application types. The Oracle RAC infrastructure is also a key component for implementing the Oracle enterprise grid computing architecture. Having multiple instances access a single database prevents the server from being a single point of failure. Oracle RAC enables you to combine smaller commodity servers into a cluster to create scalable environments that support mission critical business applications. Applications that you deploy on Oracle RAC databases can operate without code changes.

Related Topics

Overview of Installing Oracle RAC

Install Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database software using Oracle Universal Installer, and create your database with Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (Oracle DBCA).

This ensures that your Oracle RAC environment has the optimal network configuration, database structure, and parameter settings for the environment that you selected.

Alternatively, you can install Oracle RAC using Fleet Patching and Provisioning, which offers all of the advantages of Oracle Universal Installer and Oracle DBCA previously specified. In addition, Fleet Patching and Provisioning allows for standardization and automation.

This section introduces the installation processes for Oracle RAC under the following topics:

Note: You must first install Oracle Grid Infrastructure before installing Oracle RAC.

Related Topics

Understanding Compatibility in Oracle RAC Environments

To run Oracle RAC in configurations with different versions of Oracle Database in the same cluster, you must first install Oracle Grid Infrastructure, which must be the same version, or higher, as the highest version of Oracle Database that you want to deploy in this cluster. For example, to run an Oracle RAC 12 c database and an Oracle RAC 18c database in the same cluster, you must install Oracle Grid Infrastructure 18c. Contact My Oracle Support for more information about version compatibility in Oracle RAC environments.

Oracle does not support deploying an Oracle9 i cluster in an Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12 c , or later, environment.

Oracle RAC Database Management Styles and Database Installation

Before installing the Oracle RAC database software and creating respective databases, decide on the management style you want to apply to the Oracle RAC databases, as described in "Overview of Server Pools and Policy-Managed Databases" .

The management style you choose impacts the software deployment and database creation. If you choose the administrator-managed database deployment model, using a per-node installation of software, then it is sufficient to deploy the Oracle Database software (the database home) on only those nodes on which you plan to run Oracle Database.

If you choose the policy-managed deployment model, using a per-node installation of software, then you must deploy the software on all nodes in the cluster, because the dynamic allocation of servers to server pools, in principle, does not predict on which server a database instance can potentially run. To avoid instance startup failures on servers that do not host the respective database home, Oracle strongly recommends that you deploy the database software on all nodes in the cluster. When you use a shared Oracle Database home, accessibility to this home from all nodes in the cluster is assumed and the setup needs to ensure that the respective file system is mounted on all servers, as required.

Oracle Universal Installer will only allow you to deploy an Oracle Database home across nodes in the cluster if you previously installed and configured Oracle Grid Infrastructure for the cluster. If Oracle Universal Installer does not give you an option to deploy the database home across all nodes in the cluster, then check the prerequisite, as stated, by Oracle Universal Installer.

During installation, you can choose to create a database during the database home installation. Oracle Universal Installer runs DBCA to create your Oracle RAC database according to the options that you select.

"Oracle RAC Database Management Styles and Database Creation" for more information if you choose this option

Before you create a database, a default listener must be running in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home. If a default listener is not present in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home, then DBCA returns an error instructing you to run NETCA from the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home to create a default listener.

The Oracle RAC software is distributed as part of the Oracle Database installation media. By default, the Oracle Database software installation process installs the Oracle RAC option when it recognizes that you are performing the installation on a cluster. Oracle Universal Installer installs Oracle RAC into a directory structure referred to as the Oracle home, which is separate from the Oracle home directory for other Oracle software running on the system. Because Oracle Universal Installer is cluster aware, it installs the Oracle RAC software on all of the nodes that you defined to be part of the cluster.

Related Topics

Oracle RAC Database Management Styles and Database Creation

Part of Oracle Database deployment is the creation of the database.

You can choose to create a database as part of the database software deployment, or you can choose to only deploy the database software, first, and then, subsequently, create any database that is meant to run out of the newly created Oracle home by using DBCA. In either case, you must consider the management style that you plan to use for the Oracle RAC databases.

For administrator-managed databases, you must ensure that the database software is deployed on the nodes on which you plan to run the respective database instances. You must also ensure that these nodes have access to the storage in which you want to store the database files. Oracle recommends that you select Oracle ASM during database installation to simplify storage management. Oracle ASM automatically manages the storage of all database files within disk groups.

For policy-managed databases, you must ensure that the database software is deployed on all nodes on which database instances can potentially run, given your active server pool setup. You must also ensure that these nodes have access to the storage in which you want to store the database files. Oracle recommends using Oracle ASM, as previously described for administrator-managed databases.

Server pools are a feature of Oracle Grid Infrastructure (specifically Oracle Clusterware). There are different ways you can set up server pools on the Oracle Clusterware level, and Oracle recommends you create server pools for database management before you create the respective databases. DBCA, however, will present you with a choice of either using precreated server pools or creating a new server pool, when you are creating a policy-managed database. Whether you can create a new server pool during database creation depends on the server pool configuration that is active at the time.

By default, DBCA creates one service for your Oracle RAC installation. This is the default database service and should not be used for user connectivity. The default database service is typically identified using the combination of the DB_NAME and DB_DOMAIN initialization parameters: db_name.db_domain . The default service is available on all instances in an Oracle RAC environment, unless the database is in restricted mode.

Oracle recommends that you reserve the default database service for maintenance operations and create dynamic database services for user or application connectivity as a post-database-creation step, using either SRVCTL or Oracle Enterprise Manager. DBCA no longer offers a dynamic database service creation option for Oracle RAC databases. For Oracle RAC One Node databases, you must create at least one dynamic database service.

Related Topics

Overview of Extending an Oracle RAC Cluster

If you want to extend the Oracle RAC cluster (also known as cloning) and add nodes to the existing environment after your initial deployment, then you must to do this on multiple layers, considering the management style that you currently use in the cluster.

Oracle provides various means of extending an Oracle RAC cluster. In principle, you can choose from the following approaches to extend the current environment:

Both approaches are applicable, regardless of how you initially deployed the environment. Both approaches copy the required Oracle software on to the node that you plan to add to the cluster. Software that gets copied to the node includes the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software and the Oracle database homes.

For Oracle database homes, you must consider the management style deployed in the cluster. For administrator-managed databases, you must ensure that the database software is deployed on the nodes on which you plan to run the respective database instances. For policy-managed databases, you must ensure that the database software is deployed on all nodes on which database instances can potentially run, given your active server pool setup. In either case, you must first deploy Oracle Grid Infrastructure on all nodes that are meant to be part of the cluster.

Oracle cloning is not a replacement for cloning using Oracle Enterprise Manager as part of the Provisioning Pack. When you clone Oracle RAC using Oracle Enterprise Manager, the provisioning process includes a series of steps where details about the home you want to capture, the location to which you want to deploy, and various other parameters are collected.

For new installations or if you install only one Oracle RAC database, use the traditional automated and interactive installation methods, such as Oracle Universal Installer, Fleet Patching and Provisioning, or the Provisioning Pack feature of Oracle Enterprise Manager. If your goal is to add or delete Oracle RAC from nodes in the cluster, you can use the procedures detailed in "Adding and Deleting Oracle RAC from Nodes on Linux and UNIX Systems" .

The cloning process assumes that you successfully installed an Oracle Clusterware home and an Oracle home with Oracle RAC on at least one node. In addition, all root scripts must have run successfully on the node from which you are extending your cluster database.

Related Topics

Overview of Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node

Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node (Oracle RAC One Node) is an option to Oracle Database Enterprise Edition available since Oracle Database 11 g release 2 (11.2).

Oracle RAC One Node is a single instance of an Oracle RAC-enabled database running on one node in the cluster, only, under normal operations. This option adds to the flexibility that Oracle offers for database consolidation while reducing management overhead by providing a standard deployment for Oracle databases in the enterprise. Oracle RAC One Node database requires Oracle Grid Infrastructure and, therefore, requires the same hardware setup as an Oracle RAC database.

Oracle supports Oracle RAC One Node on all platforms on which Oracle RAC is certified. Similar to Oracle RAC, Oracle RAC One Node is certified on Oracle Virtual Machine (Oracle VM). Using Oracle RAC or Oracle RAC One Node with Oracle VM increases the benefits of Oracle VM with the high availability and scalability of Oracle RAC.

With Oracle RAC One Node, there is no limit to server scalability and, if applications grow to require more resources than a single node can supply, then you can upgrade your applications online to Oracle RAC. If the node that is running Oracle RAC One Node becomes overloaded, then you can relocate the instance to another node in the cluster. With Oracle RAC One Node you can use the Online Database Relocation feature to relocate the database instance with no downtime for application users. Alternatively, you can limit the CPU consumption of individual database instances per server within the cluster using Resource Manager Instance Caging and dynamically change this limit, if necessary, depending on the demand scenario.

Using the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) to connect to the database, clients can locate the service independently of the node on which it is running. Relocating an Oracle RAC One Node instance is therefore mostly transparent to the client, depending on the client connection. Oracle recommends to use either Application Continuity and Oracle Fast Application Notification or Transparent Application Failover to minimize the impact of a relocation on the client.

Oracle RAC One Node databases are administered slightly differently from Oracle RAC or non-cluster databases. For administrator-managed Oracle RAC One Node databases, you must monitor the candidate node list and make sure a server is always available for failover, if possible. Candidate servers reside in the Generic server pool and the database and its services will fail over to one of those servers.

For policy-managed Oracle RAC One Node databases, you must ensure that the server pools are configured such that a server will be available for the database to fail over to in case its current node becomes unavailable. In this case, the destination node for online database relocation must be located in the server pool in which the database is located. Alternatively, you can use a server pool of size 1 (one server in the server pool), setting the minimum size to 1 and the importance high enough in relation to all other server pools used in the cluster, to ensure that, upon failure of the one server used in the server pool, a new server from another server pool or the Free server pool is relocated into the server pool, as required.

Related Topics

Overview of Oracle Clusterware for Oracle RAC

Oracle Clusterware provides a complete, integrated clusterware management solution on all Oracle Database platforms.

This clusterware functionality provides all of the features required to manage your cluster database including node membership, group services, global resource management, and high availability functions.

You can install Oracle Clusterware independently or as a prerequisite to the Oracle RAC installation process. Oracle Database features, such as services, use the underlying Oracle Clusterware mechanisms to provide advanced capabilities. Oracle Database also continues to support select third-party clusterware products on specified platforms.

Oracle Clusterware is designed for, and tightly integrated with, Oracle RAC. You can use Oracle Clusterware to manage high-availability operations in a cluster. When you create an Oracle RAC database using any of the management tools, the database is registered with and managed by Oracle Clusterware, along with the other required components such as the VIP address, the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) (which includes the SCAN VIPs and the SCAN listener), Oracle Notification Service, and the Oracle Net listeners. These resources are automatically started when the node starts and automatically restart if they fail. The Oracle Clusterware daemons run on each node.

Anything that Oracle Clusterware manages is known as a CRS resource . A CRS resource can be a database, an instance, a service, a listener, a VIP address, or an application process. Oracle Clusterware manages CRS resources based on the resource's configuration information that is stored in the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR). You can use SRVCTL commands to administer any Oracle-defined CRS resources. Oracle Clusterware provides the framework that enables you to create CRS resources to manage any process running on servers in the cluster which are not predefined by Oracle. Oracle Clusterware stores the information that describes the configuration of these components in OCR that you can administer.

This section includes the following topics:

Related Topics

Overview of Oracle Flex Clusters

Oracle Flex Clusters provide a platform for a variety of applications, including Oracle RAC databases with large numbers of nodes.

Oracle Flex Clusters also provide a platform for other service deployments that require coordination and automation for high availability.

All nodes in an Oracle Flex Cluster belong to a single Oracle Grid Infrastructure cluster. This architecture centralizes policy decisions for deployment of resources based on application needs, to account for various service levels, loads, failure responses, and recovery.

Related Topics

Overview of Reader Nodes

Reader nodes are instances of an Oracle RAC database that provide read-only access, primarily for reporting and analytical purposes.

The advantage of read-only instances is that they do not suffer performance impacts like normal (read/write) database instances do during cluster reconfigurations, for example, when a node is undergoing maintenance or suffers a failure.

You can create services to direct queries to read-only instances running on reader nodes. These services can use parallel query to further speed up performance. Oracle recommends that you size the memory in these reader nodes as high as possible so that parallel queries can use the memory for best performance.

While it is possible for a reader node to host a writable database instance, Oracle recommends that reader nodes be dedicated to hosting read-only instances to achieve the best performance.

Overview of Local Temporary Tablespaces

Oracle uses local temporary tablespaces to write spill-overs to the local (non-shared) temporary tablespaces which are created on local disks on the reader nodes.

It is still possible for SQL operations, such as hash aggregation, sort, hash join, creation of cursor-duration temporary tables for the WITH clause, and star transformation to spill over to disk (specifically to the global temporary tablespace on shared disks). Management of the local temporary tablespace is similar to that of the existing temporary tablespace.

Local temporary tablespaces improve temporary tablespace management in read-only instances by:

You cannot use local temporary tablespaces to store database objects, such as tables or indexes. This same restriction is also true for space for Oracle global temporary tables.

This section includes the following topics:

Parallel Execution Support for Cursor-Duration Temporary Tablespaces

The temporary tablespaces created for the WITH clause and star transformation exist in the temporary tablespace on the shared disk. A set of parallel query child processes load intermediate query results into these temporary tablespaces, which are then read later by a different set of child processes. There is no restriction on how these child processes reading these results are allocated, as any parallel query child process on any instance can read the temporary tablespaces residing on the shared disk.

For read-write and read-only instance architecture, as the parallel query child processes load intermediate results to the local temporary tablespaces of these instances, the parallel query child processes belonging to the instance where the intermediate results are stored share affinity with the reads for the intermediate results and can thus read them.

Local Temporary Tablespace Organization

You can create local temporary tablespace as follows:


Temporary Tablespace Hierarchy

When you define local temporary tablespace and shared (existing) temporary tablespace, there is a hierarchy in which they are used. To understand the hierarchy, remember that there can be multiple shared temporary tablespaces in a database, such the default shared temporary tablespace for the database and multiple temporary tablespaces assigned to individual users. If a user has a shared temporary tablespace assigned, then that tablespace is used first, otherwise the database default temporary tablespace is used.

Once a tablespace has been selected for spilling during query processing, there is no switching to another tablespace. For example, if a user has a shared temporary tablespace assigned and during spilling it runs out of space, then there is no switching to an alternative tablespace. The spilling, in that case, will result in an error. Additionally, remember that shared temporary tablespaces are shared among instances.

The allocation of temporary space for spilling to a local temporary tablespace differs between read-only and read-write instances. For read-only instances, the following is the priority of selecting which temporary location to use for spills:

  1. Allocate from a user's local temporary tablespace.
  2. Allocate from the database default local temporary tablespace.
  3. Allocate from a user's temporary tablespace.
  4. Allocate from the database default temporary tablespace.

If there is no local temporary tablespace in the database, then read-only instances will spill to shared temporary tablespace.

For read-write instances, the priority of allocation differs from the preceding allocation order, as shared temporary tablespaces are given priority, as follows:

  1. Allocate from a user’s shared temporary tablespace.
  2. Allocate from a user’s local temporary tablespace.
  3. Allocate from the database default shared temporary tablespace.
  4. Allocate from the database default local temporary tablespace.

Local Temporary Tablespace Features

Instances cannot share local temporary tablespace, hence one instance cannot take local temporary tablespace from another. If an instance runs out of temporary tablespace during spilling, then the statement resutls in an error.


Metadata Management of Local Temporary Files

Currently, temporary file information (such as file name, creation size, creation SCN, temporary block size, and file status) is stored in the control file along with the initial and max files, as well as auto extent attributes. However, the information about local temporary files in the control file is common to all applicable instances.

Instance-specific information, such as bitmap for allocation, current size for a temporary file, and the file status, is stored in the SGA on instances and not in the control file because this information can be different for different instances. When an instance starts up, it reads the information in the control file and creates the temporary files that constitute the local temporary tablespace for that instance. If there are two or more instances running on a node, then each instance will have its own local temporary files.

For local temporary tablespaces, there is a separate file for each involved instance. The local temporary file names follow a naming convention such that the instance numbers are appended to the temporary file names specified while creating the local temporary tablespace.

For example, assume that a read-only node, N1, runs two Oracle read-only database instances with numbers 3 and 4. The following DDL command creates two files on node N1— /temp/temp_file_3 and /temp/temp_file_4 , for instance 3 and 4 respectively:


Assuming that there are two read-write instances (instance numbers 1 and 2) and two read-only instances (instance numbers 3 and 4), the following DDL command creates four files— /temp/temp_file_all_1 and /temp/temp_file_all_2 for instances 1 and 2, respectively, and /temp/temp_file_all_3 and /temp/temp_file_all_4 for instances 3 and 4, respectively:


DDL Support for Local Temporary Tablespaces

You manage local temporary tablespaces and temporary files with either ALTER TABLESPACE , ALTER DATABASE , or both DDL commands. All DDL commands related to local temporary tablespace management and creation are run from the read-write instances. Running all other DDL commands will affect all instances in a homogeneous manner.

For example, the following command resizes the temporary files on all read-only instances:


For local temporary tablespaces, Oracle supports the allocation options and their restrictions currently active for temporary files.

To run a DDL command on a local temporary tablespace on a read-only instance, there must be at least one read-only instance in the cluster. Users can assign a default local temporary tablespace to the database with a DEFAULT LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLESPACE clause appended to the ALTER DATABASE command.


A database administrator can specify default temporary tablespace when creating the database, as follows:


It is not possible to specify default local temporary tablespaces using the CREATE DATABASE command. When you create a database, its default local temporary tablespace will point to the default shared temporary tablespace. Database administrators must run the ALTER DATABASE command to assign an existing local temporary tablespace as the default for the database.

Local Temporary Tablespace for Users

When you create a user without explicitly specifying shared or local temporary tablespace, the user inherits shared and local temporary tablespace from the corresponding default database tablespaces. You can specify default local temporary tablespace for a user, as follows:


You can change the local temporary tablespace for a user using the ALTER USER command, as follows:


As previously mentioned, default user local temporary tablespace can be shared temporary space. Consider the following items for the ALTER USER. TEMPORARY TABLESPACE command:

Following are some examples of local temporary space management using the ALTER command:

Note: When you resize a local temporary file, it applies to individual files.

Some read-only instances may be down when you run any of the preceding commands. This does not prevent the commands from succeeding because, when a read-only instance starts up later, it creates the temporary files based on information in the control file. Creation is fast because Oracle reformats only the header block of the temporary file, recording information about the file size, among other things. If you cannot create any of the temporary files, then the read-only instance stays down. Commands that were submitted from a read-write instance are replayed, immediately, on all open read-only instances.

Atomicity Requirement for Commands

All the commands that you run from the read-write instances are performed in an atomic manner, which means the command succeeds only when it succeeds on all live instances.

Local Temporary Tablespace and Dictionary Views

Oracle extended dictionary views to display information about local temporary tablespaces. Oracle made the following changes: